Package : dwarves

Package details

Summary: Debugging Information Manipulation Tools (pahole & friends)

Dwarves is a set of tools that use the debugging information inserted in ELF binaries by compilers such as GCC, used by well known debuggers such as GDB, and more recent ones such as systemtap. Utilities in the dwarves suite include pahole, that can be used to find alignment holes in structs and classes in languages such as C, C++, but not limited to these. It also extracts other information such as CPU cacheline alignment, helping pack those structures to achieve more cache hits. These tools can also be used to encode and read the BTF type information format used with the Linux kernel bpf syscall, using 'pahole -J' and 'pahole -F btf'. Other tools, like codiff or pfunct (detect informations about functions, inlines, etc.) ot btfdiff (compare pahole's BTF and DWARF output to check they produce the same results) are also included.
License: GPLv2

Last packager: ghibo <ghibo>

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