
Name Summary Version Release Build date
znc-1.8.2-21.1.mga9.x86_64 An IRC bouncer with many advanced features 1.8.2 21.1.mga9 2024-07-04
znc-devel-1.8.2-21.1.mga9.x86_64 Development files needed to compile ZNC modules 1.8.2 21.1.mga9 2024-07-04
znc-modperl-1.8.2-21.1.mga9.x86_64 perl module for ZNC 1.8.2 21.1.mga9 2024-07-04
znc-modpython-1.8.2-21.1.mga9.x86_64 python3 module for ZNC 1.8.2 21.1.mga9 2024-07-04
python3-js2py-0.70-3.1.mga9.noarch JavaScript to Python Translator & JavaScript interpreter 0.70 3.1.mga9 2024-07-04
ipmitool-1.8.19-1.mga9.x86_64 Utility for interfacing with IPMI devices 1.8.19 1.mga9 2024-07-03
lib64openvpn-devel-2.5.9-1.1.mga9.x86_64 Development package for OpenVPN plugins 2.5.9 1.1.mga9 2024-07-03
openvpn-2.5.9-1.1.mga9.x86_64 A Secure TCP/UDP Tunneling Daemon 2.5.9 1.1.mga9 2024-07-03
clamav-db-1.0.6-1.mga9.noarch Virus database for clamav 1.0.6 1.mga9 2024-07-03
clamav-1.0.6-1.mga9.x86_64 An anti-virus utility for Unix 1.0.6 1.mga9 2024-07-03
clamav-milter-1.0.6-1.mga9.x86_64 The Clam AntiVirus milter Daemon 1.0.6 1.mga9 2024-07-03
clamd-1.0.6-1.mga9.x86_64 The Clam AntiVirus Daemon 1.0.6 1.mga9 2024-07-03
lib64clamav-devel-1.0.6-1.mga9.x86_64 Development library and header files for the clamav library 1.0.6 1.mga9 2024-07-03
lib64clamav11-1.0.6-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared libraries for clamav 1.0.6 1.mga9 2024-07-03
dcmtk-3.6.7-4.1.mga9.x86_64 DICOM Toolkit libraries and applications 3.6.7 4.1.mga9 2024-07-02
lib64dcmtk-devel-3.6.7-4.1.mga9.x86_64 DICOM Toolkit libraries development files 3.6.7 4.1.mga9 2024-07-02
lib64dcmtk17-3.6.7-4.1.mga9.x86_64 DICOM Toolkit libraries 3.6.7 4.1.mga9 2024-07-02
cdemu-daemon-3.2.6-2.1.mga9.x86_64 Userspace daemon part of the CDemu suite 3.2.6 2.1.mga9 2024-07-01
espeak-ng-vim-1.51.1-1.1.mga9.noarch Vim syntax highlighting for espeak-ng data files 1.51.1 1.1.mga9 2024-07-01
espeak-ng-1.51.1-1.1.mga9.x86_64 Text to speech synthesis engine (eSpeak NG) 1.51.1 1.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64espeak-ng-devel-1.51.1-1.1.mga9.x86_64 Development files for espeak-ng 1.51.1 1.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64espeak-ng1-1.51.1-1.1.mga9.x86_64 Text to speech library (eSpeak NG) 1.51.1 1.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64cdio++1-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 C++ library from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64cdio-devel-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 Devel files from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64cdio19-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 Libraries from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64iso9660++0-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 iso96660 C++ library from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64iso9660_11-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 Libraries from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64udf0-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 Libraries from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
libcdio-apps-2.1.0-4.1.mga9.x86_64 Example tool from libcdio 2.1.0 4.1.mga9 2024-07-01
openssh-9.3p1-2.2.mga9.x86_64 OpenSSH free Secure Shell (SSH) implementation 9.3p1 2.2.mga9 2024-07-01
openssh-askpass-common-9.3p1-2.2.mga9.x86_64 OpenSSH X11 passphrase common scripts 9.3p1 2.2.mga9 2024-07-01
openssh-askpass-gnome-9.3p1-2.2.mga9.x86_64 OpenSSH GNOME passphrase dialog 9.3p1 2.2.mga9 2024-07-01
openssh-clients-9.3p1-2.2.mga9.x86_64 OpenSSH Secure Shell protocol clients 9.3p1 2.2.mga9 2024-07-01
openssh-keycat-9.3p1-2.2.mga9.x86_64 A mls keycat backend for openssh 9.3p1 2.2.mga9 2024-07-01
openssh-server-9.3p1-2.2.mga9.x86_64 OpenSSH Secure Shell protocol server (sshd) 9.3p1 2.2.mga9 2024-07-01
chromium-browser-1:126.0.6478.126-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 A fast webkit-based web browser (transition package) 126.0.6478.126 1.mga9.tainted 2024-07-01
chromium-browser-stable-126.0.6478.126-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 A fast webkit-based web browser 126.0.6478.126 1.mga9.tainted 2024-07-01
krb5-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 The Kerberos network authentication system 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
krb5-pkinit-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 The PKINIT module for Kerberos 5 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
krb5-server-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 The server programs for Kerberos 5 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
krb5-server-ldap-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 The LDAP storage plugin for the Kerberos 5 KDC 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
krb5-workstation-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 Kerberos 5 programs for use on workstations 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64krb53-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 The shared libraries used by Kerberos 5 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
lib64krb53-devel-1.20.1-1.2.mga9.x86_64 Development files needed for compiling Kerberos 5 programs 1.20.1 1.2.mga9 2024-07-01
cpupower-gui-1.0.0-1.20230122.1.1.mga9.noarch Graphical program to change the scaling frequency limits of the cpu, similar to cpupower 1.0.0 1.20230122.1.1.mga9 2024-06-30
nheko-zsh-completion-0.11.3-4.2.mga9.noarch Zsh completion for nheko 0.11.3 4.2.mga9 2024-06-29
nheko-0.11.3-4.2.mga9.x86_64 Desktop client for the Matrix protocol 0.11.3 4.2.mga9 2024-06-29
python3-imageio-2.22.4-1.1.mga9.noarch Python 3 library for reading and writing image data 2.22.4 1.1.mga9 2024-06-27
python3-idna-3.7-1.mga9.noarch Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 3.7 1.mga9 2024-06-27
ffmpeg-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Hyper fast audio and video encoder 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64avcodec59-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64avfilter8-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64avformat59-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64avutil57-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64ffmpeg-devel-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Header files for the ffmpeg codec library 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64ffmpeg-static-devel-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Static library for the ffmpeg codec library 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64postproc56-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64swresample4-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
lib64swscaler6-5.1.5-1.mga9.tainted.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9.tainted 2024-06-27
ffmpeg-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Hyper fast audio and video encoder 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64avcodec59-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64avfilter8-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64avformat59-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64avutil57-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64ffmpeg-devel-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Header files for the ffmpeg codec library 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64ffmpeg-static-devel-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Static library for the ffmpeg codec library 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64postproc56-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64swresample4-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
lib64swscaler6-5.1.5-1.mga9.x86_64 Shared library part of ffmpeg 5.1.5 1.mga9 2024-06-27
1-69 of 8355.