By group

Group: Editors

bbdb The Insidious Big Brother Database Editors
chntpw Change passwords in Windows SAM files Editors
cooledit Full featured multiple window programmer's text editor Editors
devhelp-plugins Gedit Plugins for Devhelp Editors
dhex Hexadecimal editor including a diff mode to compare 2 binary files Editors
e3 Lightweight text editor Editors
ed The GNU line editor Editors
emacs GNU Emacs text editor with X11 support Editors
emacs-auctex Enhanced LaTeX mode for GNU Emacs Editors
emacs-chess A client and library for playing Chess from Emacs Editors
emacs-common Common files for GNU Emacs Editors
emacs-doc GNU Emacs documentation Editors
emacs-el GNU Emacs Lisp source files Editors
emacs-ess Emacs Speaks Statistics package for Emacs Editors
emacs-ess-doc Emacs Speaks Statistics Documentation Editors
emacs-leim GNU Emacs Lisp code for international input methods Editors
emacs-nox GNU Emacs text editor without support for X11 Editors
emacs-pgtk GNU Emacs text editor with support for Wayland only Editors
emacs-tuareg-mode OCaml mode for Emacs/XEmacs Editors
encryptpad-cli Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor Editors
encryptpad-docs Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor Editors
encryptpad-qt5 Minimalist secure text editor and binary encryptor Editors
enki Advanced text editor for programmers Editors
eureka A cross-platform map editor for the classic DOOM games Editors
featherpad Lightweight Qt6 Plain-Text Editor for Linux Editors
gedit Small but powerful text editor for GNOME Editors
gedit-plugins Extra plugins for gedit Editors
ghex GNOME Hexadecimal Editor Editors
gobby A free collaborative editor Editors
gtksourceview Source code viewing library Editors
gtksourceview3 Source code viewing library Editors
gtranslator Translation (.po) file editor with many features Editors
helix A post-modern modal text editor written in Rust Editors
helix-bash-completion Bash Completion for helix Editors
helix-fish-completion Fish Completion for helix Editors
helix-runtime Runtime files for helix Editors
helix-zsh-completion Zsh Completion for helix Editors
hexedit View and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII Editors
ht-editor File editor/viewer/analyzer for executables Editors
jed A fast, compact editor based on the slang screen library Editors
jed-common Files needed by any Jed editor Editors
jed-xjed The X Window System version of the Jed text editor Editors
joe An easy to use text editor, supporting syntax highlight and UTF-8 Editors
kate Advanced text editor Editors
kbibtex A BibTeX editor for KDE Editors
kwrite Simple text editor for Plasma 5 Editors
l3afpad Simple text editor forked from Leafpad, supports GTK+ 3.x Editors
lib64Cw1 Shared library files for cooledit Editors
lib64gtksourceview3.0_1 Source code viewing library Editors
lib64gtksourceview4_0 Source code viewing library Editors
lib64gtksourceview5_0 Source code viewing library Editors
micro A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor Editors
mousepad A simple text editor for Xfce Editors
mp Minimum Profit Text Editor Editors
nano Tiny console text editor that aims to emulate Pico Editors
nedit A text editor for the X Window System Editors
neovim Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability Editors
neovim-data Data files for neovim Editors
neovim-gtk GTK UI for Neovim Editors
neovim-gtk-docs GTK UI for Neovim Editors
neovim-qt Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5 Editors
notepadqq A Linux clone of Notepad++ Editors
nvimpager Use neovim as a pager Editors
nvimpager-zsh-completion Zsh completion for nvimpager Editors
padre Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment Editors
pluma Small but powerful text editor for MATE Editors
poedit Gettext translation file editor Editors
python3-neovim-remote Control nvim processes using "nvr" commandline tool Editors
python3-pynvim Python client for Neovim Editors
qxmledit Simple XML editor and XSD viewer Editors
scite SCIntilla based GTK+3 text editor Editors
tea A powerful Qt-based editor with useful functions for HTML and LaTeX editing Editors
texmacs WYSIWYW scientific text editor Editors
vim-X11 The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System Editors
vim-common The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor Editors
vim-enhanced A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements Editors
vim-halibut Syntax file for the halibut manual tool Editors
vim-minimal A minimal version of the VIM editor Editors
vim-powerline Powerline VIM plugin Editors
vis A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions Editors
wordgrinder A word processor which gets out of your way Editors
wordgrinder-gui A X11 word processor which gets out of your way Editors
wxhexeditor A hex editor that supports files up to 2^64 bytes Editors
xed A small and lightweight text editor Editors
zim A desktop wiki and outliner Editors